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Clayton Morris

Fat And Ready to Serve

Experts say that the U.S. military has an obesity epidemic. They say that three out of every four active duty members are

Clayton Morris

U.N. Condemns Attacks on Civilians

The United Nations condemned the attacks on civilians in Gaza and in response Israel is calling for the resignation of UN Secretary-General

Clayton Morris

Ukraine Sets a New Years Resolution

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has set a goal for his military to take back “at least 500 meters, every day.” That means take back

Clayton Morris

What Did The FDA Know?

Last week, Health Canada admitted that the Pfizer Covid vaccine contained DNA sequence of SV-40. That is the Simian Virus, which was the fortieth

Clayton Morris

The Power of Propaganda

Most wars are wars of propaganda. This is necessary because most humans don’t want war. We have to be talked into it.

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