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Clayton Morris

Introducing Your Next Virus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning about an uptick in human metapneumovirus. That name rolls off the tongue. It is a

Clayton Morris

Why is NATO back in Serbia?

CNN says that Serbians attacked NATO peacekeepers. Or was it the other way around?  NATO will send 700 more “peace keeping” troops to Kosovo after

Clayton Morris

No Dudes Allowed in Women’s Cycling

Trans-identifying males will not be eligible to compete in female competitions for British Cycling events, according to a new policy. The sports association says that

Clayton Morris

Meet Your New World Government: The W.H.O.

A new draft of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty has been released and it is causing concern amongst politicians in the United Kingdom. This treaty

Clayton Morris

NATO Stoking Violence in Serbia

NATO “peacemakers” have attacked Serbian demonstrators in Kosovo with stun grenades and tear gas. Over 30 people were reported to have been injured. The

Clayton Morris

Drones Strike Heart of Moscow… Again

Moscow was under attack by drones on early this morning, showing that Ukraine is now attacking the Russian capital with the help of NATO.

Clayton Morris

Respecting Your Elders

Schools in New York are teaching students how to relate to older generations. This is a class in New York public schools. According to

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