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Clayton Morris

BoJo Breaks The Law… Again?

Was Boris Johnson caught breaking quarantine again?? The former UK Prime Minister is facing another police investigation after his calendar showed that

Clayton Morris

The Race For The White House

Republican Senator Tim Scott from North Carolina has entered the race for President, going up against former President Trump and most likely

Clayton Morris

Now They Want To Track Your Behavior

A new bill proposed in the U.S. will allow the government to track users online and allow so-called “disinformation experts” to rule on what

Clayton Morris

The FBI Keeps On FBIing

The FBI “accidentally” misused an electronic database over 278,000 times because of a misunderstanding. As in, “Oh were we not supposed to do that?”

Clayton Morris

Russia Wins Major Victory in Bakhmut

The Eastern city of Bakhmut is now known by the Russian name Artyomovsk after Russia claimed that it has taken full control of the

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