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Clayton Morris

CIA Meddled in 2020 Election?

Did the CIA help President Biden win the 2020 election? According to former acting CIA Director Mike Morell, they did indeed. During a

Clayton Morris

The Fauci Files

A new round of Twitter files were released Thursday by journalist Paul Thacker. These pertain to Twitter’s handling of the pandemic and relationship with

Clayton Morris

Elon Warns About Dangers of A.I.

Elon Musk issued a dire warning about artificial intelligence this week, saying that it is a threat to the public and is quickly leading

Clayton Morris

The Skies over Ukraine

Ukraine claimed a retired NASA satellite caused explosions in the sky over Kiev on Wednesday. NASA’s response: That’s not us. Robert Margetta, a NASA spokesperson, said

Clayton Morris

Twitter Flags Hate Speech

Twitter launched a new feature that will limit visibility to content it finds hateful. The new hate speech rules will flag offending Tweets and

Clayton Morris

Germany Goes Dark

Germany didn’t listen to Greta Thunberg. The country shut down their nuclear power plants and will move forward with a return to coal. Remember

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