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Clayton Morris

Britain’s ‘Perfect’ War

The Guardian published a report accusing the UK government of firing on civilians in Iraq in 2016 and 2017. The British government has said

Clayton Morris

Fed’s Rock and a Hard Place

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates again by a quarter percentage point, or 0.25% on Wednesday. Even though there seems to be

Clayton Morris

The Trouble with Birth Control Pills

Hormonal birth control is associated with a 20-30% high risk of breast cancer, according to a new study. The study looked at the

Clayton Morris

Ukraine’s Human Rights Abuses

The U.S. State Department released an updated report on Human Rights in Ukraine, and it honestly reads like a big bag of excuses. This

Clayton Morris

Guess Who’s Tracking You

The CDC purchased data and tracking to monitor who complied with lockdowns during the pandemic. This is according to contracts obtained by

Clayton Morris

Massive Moves in Moscow

The Presidential powwow between Russia and China wrapped up with more than a dozen new cooperative declarations. A video of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Clayton Morris

Small Banks Are Struggling

Big banks are struggling to pull another small bank out of the depths. This time it is JPMorgan Chase trying to rally

Clayton Morris

Spring in Moscow

Chinese President Xi Jinping completed his first day of visits in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the two leaders seem to be

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