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Clayton Morris

Pentagon Warns of UFO Invasion

The Pentagon is warning that aliens could be visiting our solar system and releasing “smaller probes.” These probes, says researcher Sean Kirkpatrick, are much

Clayton Morris

Pfizer Lines Its Pockets

Pfizer doesn’t want to let go of those Euros! The pharma company is offering the European Union a deal: pay for Covid

Clayton Morris

The Ukraine Cyber Bot Army

Ukraine is drafting legislation to legalize a cyber army. Oh boy. Do you really want to fight a cyber army with Russia?

Clayton Morris

Congress Tries To Protect Online Speech

The House of Representatives passed a bill to protect online speech and prevent government agencies from censoring it. This comes in the wake of

Clayton Morris

The New Times Roman

The U.S. State Department announced that official documents must now be written in Calibri font instead of Times New Roman in order

Clayton Morris

Drill Baby Drill

Environmentalists are furious that the Biden Administration approved drilling in Alaska called the Willow Project. Recall that the President said that NO new drilling

Clayton Morris

Banks Get a Failing Grade

Are all U.S. banks in trouble because some of them are? That is what Moody’s thinks. Moody’s Investors Service announced thatit cut its

Clayton Morris

Drone Wars

The U.S. says that two Russian aircraft brought down U.S. surveillance drones near Crimea and the U.S. is calling this “unsafe and unprofessional.” The

Clayton Morris

China Pushing For Peace in Ukraine?

Could China be on a winning streak for peace? The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet with

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