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Clayton Morris

Zelensky in Denial

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky continues to insist that Russia launched a missile into Poland on Tuesday, despite the fact that the U.S. and other

Clayton Morris

Here Comes The Digital Dollar

The timing is fishy; you’ve gotta admit. In the wake of the FTX crypto exchange collapse, the U.S. announced that it will launch a

Clayton Morris

A Changing of the Guard

Republicans have decisively won the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, meaning that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is out of a job and will

Clayton Morris

My Boys Can’t Swim!

A new study shows that sperm counts worldwide are half of what they were five decades ago. Half!? You have my attention… Researchers analyzed 223 sperm

Clayton Morris

Trump 2: The Sequel

Former President Trump is looking to become the next President Trump. He announced this intention last night. It’s not too surprising but, maybe a

Clayton Morris

Simply Not True

Many reports have claimed that the government of Iran has sentenced 15,000 protestors to death since the protests began around the death of Mahsa

Clayton Morris

Laziness in France

What is French for “lazy day?” Jour de flemmardise. Apparently, the French have had a lot of them since the pandemic. A new

Clayton Morris

The Theater of The G20

Leaders of the G20 Summit are gathering this week, many doing a dance between speaking of peace, trying not to step on

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