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Clayton Morris

China Flexes Its Muscles

Chinese President Xi Xinping has claimed his third term in office. It used to be that Chinese Presidents had two-term limits but those

Clayton Morris

United Kingdom in Turmoil

There was talk of Boris Johnson popping back up as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom but he announced on Sunday that he will

Clayton Morris

Crisis in Ethiopia

Thousands of people protested Western intervention in Ethiopia over the weekend. They demand that the Tigray rebels who Western governments support, stop raging war

Clayton Morris

In Goodbye You Can Truss

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has thrown in the towel. She resigned on Thursday, making her the shortest-termed Prime Minister in the history

Clayton Morris

Work Can Be Stressful

The U.S. Surgeon General cares about your stress. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued a warning about stressful work environments on Thursday. The

Clayton Morris

America’s Culture War

In Florida, a child can no longer change their gender or name without their parents knowing about this. This is called the

Clayton Morris

The War in Ukraine

Russia is preparing for a major Ukrainian and NATO assault on the newly-Russian-recognized regions of the Donbas. In preparation, Russian President Putin instated martial law in

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