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Clayton Morris

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

World leaders are being asked to fly commercial if they want to come to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London next week.

Clayton Morris

Protests in Europe

Thousands came out to protest rising energy costs in Austria this weekend. Last weekend, the same happened in the Czech Republic as a growing movement seeks

Clayton Morris

Biden Targeting Crypto Miners

The White House says that crypto mining operations could get in the way of climate change efforts and that they may have to do

Clayton Morris

The U.S. Will Start Space-splainin

The United States is going to set rules for how much space junk will be allowed. Who gave them this jurisdiction? Dunno. But the

Clayton Morris

Breakthrough Cancer Study

Scientists in Israel say that they have developed a blood test that can detect cancers before any symptoms have begun. The test has successfully

Clayton Morris

A King Takes The Throne

England now has its first king in over 70 years as former Prince Charles became King Charles III overnight. He is the oldest

Clayton Morris

The New Space Race

China is accusing the U.S. of taking its military industrial complex to space. Don’t we have enough problems down on firm ground? Chinese Foreign

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