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Clayton Morris

What Is The CDC Hiding?

The CDC has refused information requests pertaining to adverse effects of the Covid vaccine. The VAERS system is a database for tracking the adverse

Clayton Morris

Trouble Brewing in the Balkans

There is conflict in Kosovo as the government in the region began issuing documents to Serbian citizens. With the help of NATO

Clayton Morris

Trouble in Tunisia

Last week, a few voters in Tunisia voted to adopt a new constitution. Almost all of the 30.5% who turned up to the

Clayton Morris

That’s How The Cookie Crumbles

Google still has its hands in the cookie jar. Last year, the technology giant said it would end support for third-party cookies

Clayton Morris


Gen Z and Millenials are empowering the pink. Hot pink is everywhere these days, and it’s not a comment on the weather. It

Clayton Morris

We Don’t Talk About Recession

Gross domestic product, or GDP, is down 0.9% from the same time last year in the U.S. This is the second straight

Clayton Morris

Politics Moves ‘Forward’

Former Democrats and Republicans launched a new political party in the United States called Forward. It will be co-charged by former Democratic presidential

Clayton Morris

Republicans Block Veteran Assistance Bill

Republicans have blocked a bill that would expand healthcare coverage for Veterans. We thought this bill was a sure-thing but we thought wrong. This

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