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Clayton Morris

Saudi Arabia Says Go Ahead and Try Me

What happens when you show the world that you will seize assets of other countries for political reasons? Well, other countries don’t

Clayton Morris

Israel’s New Plan

Israel now controls at least a quarter of Gaza and is working to move “settlers” into the region, according to Haaretz. By settlers,

Clayton Morris

NATO Propaganda On Full Display

NATO propaganda is at an 11. This new video would have you believe that NATO is a peaceful and defensive organization only. Lol. President

Clayton Morris

Extramural Context

Three administrators have been fired for texting this to each other:  Is that appropriate or a free speech violation? The private texts were sent

Clayton Morris

NATO: Not the only game in town

While NATO meets in Washington this week, the rest of the world is making alliances too. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet

Clayton Morris

Biden’s Big Boy Doctor’s Appointments

The Washington Times reports that a neurologist and Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House at least ten times since November 2022, presumably

Clayton Morris

Ukraine’s Hospital Bombing

Ukraine has accussed Russia of striking a children’s hospital in Kiev on Monday but Russia says that photos and videos “from Kiev clearly confirm

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