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Clayton Morris

Team Fauci Ready to Testify Before Congress

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s advisor will testify to the Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic today which is inconvenient timing after it was reported that he

Clayton Morris

Israel Targets Western Media

At least three European countries will now recognize Palestine as a state: Norway, Ireland and Spain. Currently 148 countries around the world recognize Palestine

Clayton Morris

Don’t Question Your Government

A new bill in New Jersey would allow elected officials to sue you if you file too many information requests. According to

Clayton Morris

Assange Wins A Right to Appeal

A court in the U.K. has granted Julian Assange the right to appeal his extradition to the United States! Assange is on trial for

Clayton Morris

Gay Pride Month Terror Alert…. wait, what?

The U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory for U.S. citizens to exercise “worldwide caution” because of Pride celebrations. The government says that there

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