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Clayton Morris

AI Will Take Our Jobs

The International Monetary Fund is worried that AI will harm the economy and the labor market. In a new report, they say that they have “profound

Clayton Morris

Do Not Swim

New reports show that the English government may be misleading the public about the safety of rivers and streams. That is because more than half

Clayton Morris

Bison FTW

A new study shows that bisoon can help cancel out global warming by capturing carbon. This is something climate activists hate to hear because it shows that

Clayton Morris

Title IX Gets Checked In Court

A federal court has blocked Title IX in the six states that sued to stop it. This is the law that the Biden administration put into place

Clayton Morris

NATO Goes Nuclear

NATO is warning of the need to have more nuclear weapons due to the threat of war with Russia and China. He says that NATO

Clayton Morris

Pfizer Gets Jabbed In Court

Kansas has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, claiming that the pharmaceutical company “misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine.” The lawsuit further

Clayton Morris

Time to Talk Taxes

The Biden administration wants to put electronic tags on all bison and cattle that moves between state lines. Why? They say it is to trace