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Clayton Morris

The Princess Kate Mystery Continues

The British monarchy released a video of Kate Middleton admitting that she is being treated for cancer. This may explain her absence from public

Clayton Morris

America’s New Anti-Gun Department

The Justice Department launched a sweeping new power law called the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, or ERPO. It sounds like a

Clayton Morris

The Electric Vehicle Boondoggle

The Biden Administration is pushing electric vehicle mandates even though car dealers and manufacturers have begged them not to. New rules unveiled on

Clayton Morris

A Deal for Julian Assange?

Could the United States offer a deal to Julian Assange in order to end his legal nightmare? The Wall Street Journal reports that the

Clayton Morris

Mess In Texas

Just kidding! Now Texas CANNOT enforce its migrant bill and arrest migrants who have illegally crossed from Mexico. In one week, Texas

Clayton Morris

Argentina’s Belt Tightening

Argentina’s President Javier Milei is doing what he said he would do: reducing the size of the government. The Financial Times calls this taking

Clayton Morris

The Woke Word Police Are Back

The word “homosexual” is “considered derogatory and offensive,” according to the woke army. What is wrong with the word homosexual? It requires

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