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Clayton Morris

Let’s Count The Ways

Let’s quickly count all the ways the U.S. is spending on war when we’re supposedly at peace, shall we? On Monday, Secretary

Clayton Morris

The Irish Green Helmets Are Coming

A TV network in Ireland showed a fictitious news broadcast about global warming and it plays out like a globalist checklist. It

Clayton Morris

Prepare For War With Iran

The Washington Post published an opinion piece “by” President Joe Biden to made a case for all of the war he has supported during

Clayton Morris

Want Herpes or Chicken Pox? Your Choice

The U.K. government wants to add the chicken pox vaccine to the routine childhood vaccination schedule. This is the vaccine known as varicella. Varicella

Clayton Morris

Want to Swap Your Genitals?

A Serbian doctor says that he is this close to what he calls “genital-swap surgery.” A genital swap is when two people of the opposite

Clayton Morris

I’m On A Boat

Big business may be showing that it’s done being stalked by climate protestors. Last week, Shell filed a lawsuit against Greenpeace for $2.1 million

Clayton Morris

Hospitals Become Targets in Gaza

Israeli troops have surrounded and launched missiles at a hospital in Gaza. They say the hospital sits atop Hamas hostile infrastructure. Hamas

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