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Mr. Beast Last To Leave A Pedophile

Mr. Beast says that he has parted ways with the transgender member of his team, Kris Tyson, who now calls himself Ava. Tyson stands accused of sexually messaging a minor since the boy was 13 years old.

Mr. Beast says that he’s hired an investigator but that he himself has “seen enough online and taken immediate action to remove Ava from the company, my channel, and any association with MrBeast. I do not condone or support any of the inappropriate actions.”

That’s not how Tyson put it. Tyson says that he and Mr. Beast “mutually decided it’s best I permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media to focus on my family and mental health.”

Tyson is a father to a young child with a wife that he divorced in order to transition to a transgender “woman.”

Mr. Beast took a lot of heat for keeping Tyson in the spotlight during his transition. His audience of 305 million YouTube followers and 30 million X followers consists of mostly adolescents. His claims that he knew nothing of Tyson’s past behavior have been challenged by his own employees.

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