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🚨 26 Minutes – July 16 2024


Happy Tuesday. 

Cowboy hats are in fashion at the Republican National Convention this week.

In Case You Missed It. 


🔥 President Biden has granted Secret Service protection to Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after refusing him the protection for 15 months.

🇨🇳 China is experiencing severe flooding and has at least 15 provinces on full emergency alert.

🇮🇳 India has summoned the Ukrainian ambassador over instigating comments that President Zelensky made about India’s meeting with Russia.

🚗 All new cars in the EU will come equipped with speed-controlling AI so the government can control your commute. How long until this comes to the U.S.?

🎵 Jack Black has canceled his Tenacious D tour after his bandmate made a joke about Trump’s attempted assassination.

🇮🇱 Israel continues to target “safe zones” in Gaza.

🛠️ Sean O’Brien, the president of the powerful Teamsters union, endorsed Donald Trump on Monday. The Teamsters usually endorse Democratic candidates.

🚨 Tara Reade, the woman who has been attacked for reporting Joe Biden for sexual abuse, has launched a petition to get a real investigation into her claims.

📺 Join us for our Redacted live show today at 4 PM Eastern Time. You can subscribe for FREE right here.














*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm AM.

Lead: Police Knew About Shooter for 26 Minutes

Sources say that they notified authorities about the Trump shooter a full 26 minutes before he fired his first shot. 26 minutes!

One source took a photo and sent it to authorities at 5:45 p.m. Shots were not fired until 6:11 p.m.! A video compiled by MilkBarTV shows that rally attendees were trying to alert law enforcement about the shooter for at least 120 seconds.

It gets even worse. Now reports confirm that the building that the shooter was on top of was loaded with “counter-sniper team cops” inside of it!

How does this happen? The House Oversight Committee has asked U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle for all communication relating to the security of the event, including all internal documents, text messages and emails related to the planning, pre-site surveys, surveillance and communication with local law enforcement. They want this information “no later than this Thursday, July 18, 2024.”

Meanwhile, President Trump showed up to the Republican National Convention on Monday with his ear bandaged. Director Cheatle said that his security would be “strengthened” and “enhanced” this week. It does look like they found him some much bigger dudes to do the job.

Ukraine’s New ‘Peace Plan’ 

Ukraine has planned another “peace summit” but their peace summits are not peace summits. The last summit that Ukraine hosted in Switzerland involved a fantasy plan that would have Ukraine take control of Crimea and the Donbas region while moving forward to join NATO. Those regions voted to join Russia after the Ukrainian army repeatedly attacked them and Ukraine has given no assurances that the people living there would be safe or free if they regained control.

Russia has rejected Ukraine’s “peace proposals” repeatedly but Ukraine keeps making theater of these summits. Ukraine did not even invite Russia to the last summit in June so how can you call that a peace negotiation when one party is not invited?

Ukraine now says that Russia is invited to the next summit. Ukrainian President Zelensky said this to Reuters: “I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan. I think that representatives of Russia should be at the second summit.”

Well, that’s progress. Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov agreed that Russia should be there but they won’t fall for another Western-backed summit like the one in Switzerland which was, according to Peskov, “by no means a peace summit…. Therefore, it is probably necessary to first understand what he [Zelensky] means.”

Grab Your Free $3,200 Gold Report Right Now


Gold last week hit a new all time high! Bank of America expects gold to hit $3,000 an ounce and other see gold hitting $3,200! That’s why America’s largest precious metals company Lear Capital is giving away a FREE gold report and one ounce of silver for every ounce of gold you buy! 

So as the U.S. dollar continues to face massive debt pressure, investors have been pouring back into precious metals. If you have your retirement in a dollar format, then it will continue to lose value every day that it’s there in a bank. It’s time to move some of your retirement into gold and silver and away from government currencies.

Gold and Silver have sustained for over 4,000 years while every government currency in world history has collapsed. Every one of them. Will this time be any different? Of course not.

Right now, you can get a FREE $3,200 gold report and learn how gold and silver can help you protect your family against these central banks. Visit right now to get your TOTALLY FREE Gold Kit and start taking action today.

Trump’s VP Selection

President Trump chose Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate for Vice President.

The Ohio Senator is a Yale Law School graduate and best-selling author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy.” His wife Usha Vance is of Indian descent and a former law clerk for Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh.

Vance was a “never-Trumper” but has since come around on the former President’s campaign. He has spoken out against funding the war in Ukraine but in recent interviews showed himself in favor of a new war with Iran. Sigh.

News By The Numbers

Photo credit: ap

49. That is how many home runs Teoscar Hernández hit at the Home Run Derby on Monday to win the all-star event.

$45 Million. That is how much Elon Musk says that he will donate per month to a new super political-action committee backing Donald Trump, according to the Wall Street Journal.

580 points. That is how much the Dow Jones jumped on Tuesday due to enthusiasm for small cap stocks, according to CNBC.

What’s Trending?

Photo credit: getty

Vivek Ramaswamy is trending because he said that he would accept the Senate seat vacated by J.D. Vance should Vance win the Vice Presidency on the Trump ticket.

Ingrid Andress is trending for singing the National Anthem at the Home Run Derby. Not to be mean but… 🙉

Stranger Things is trending because Netflix released this Behind the Scenes video for the filming of the fifth and final season.

Amazon’s Prime Injury Day

Amazon Prime Day is not great for everyone. A Senate report finds that Amazon workers get hurt in the mad rush for deals.

The Senate analyzed Prime Day in 2019 and found over 10 injuries per 100 workers reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which is “more than double the industry average.” The report found that injuries not disclosed to OSHA “was just under 45 injuries per 100 workers, [which is] nearly half of the company’s warehouse workers.” Yikes!

The injury rate increases around the holidays too when workers “process twice as many packages per day” than they do during normal periods. The committee accuses Amazon of skirting and “sometimes even outright [ignoring] critical safety protocols.”

So what are consumers to do? Not shop Amazon Prime Day? Demand that Congress implement more safety regulations? What do you think?


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This newsletter is written and researched by Natali Morris.
Please feel free to reach Natali at [email protected]
for any editorial feedback.