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🚨 Come on! – July 24 2023


Happy Monday.

The New York Post reports that lawn flamingos are a secret signal for swingers.

credit: giphy

In Case You Missed It. 

🇺🇸 President Biden is set to announce a memorial to Emmett Till today.

🔥 A new report estimates that Europe’s energy demand could slump by 3% this year.

🇪🇸 Two political parties in Spain are deadlocked for power, which may mean repeat elections.

🇮🇱 Israel is going ahead with its judicial reform bill, despite months of protests. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu was hospitalized for the second time this month.

🇬🇧 Islamic priest Anjem Coudary has been charged with at least three terror offenses in London.

🇷🇺 Russia accused Ukraine of a “terrorist act” on Monday after it thwarted two drone attacks in Moscow.

🇨🇳 A roof collapsed on middle schoolers in China, killing at least 11 people.

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*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm AM.

Lead: U.S. Weapons in Ukraine Heading To Criminals 

photo credit: ap

A new report from the Inspector General shows that weapons that the U.S. sends to Ukraine are in fact ending up on the black market.

The report also says that the legally required monitoring of the weapons is not happening. The report says that they have “some accountability” for “observable platforms” like missiles and helicopters but the small items, “such as night vision devices” sometimes just go missing.

When asked about this problem, a State Department spokesperson said this, “The US government remains keenly aware of the risk of possible illicit diversion and is proactively taking steps to mitigate this risk in close cooperation with the government of Ukraine.”

So basically: Shoulder shrug, it happens. We’re going to keep the weapons flowing.

Congress has repeatedly rejected the idea of appointing a special inspector general for weapons provisions to Ukraine.

A British couple was fined recently for attempting to smuggle American-made M141s from Ukraine across the border to France. They said that they were gifted the weapons as “symbols of victory.”

Hunter Biden Investigation Reveals More Lies

Photo credit: getty

Devon Archer is expected to testify before Congress this week and it will likely bring more problems for the Biden family.

Archer is an associate and former business partner of Hunter Biden. He will testify to the House Oversight Committee that has been investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings. He will be asked about various phone calls that he claims President Biden attended either in person or via speakerphone with foreign business partners and prospective investors.

It is by now pretty evident that President Biden lied repeatedly about not being involved in his son Hunter’s business. It is also apparent that Hunter traded business favors for political influence from foreign actors.

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X Marks The Spot

Photo credit: giphy

Twitter is being rebranded as X. Just X.

So what do we call it when you Tweet? TBD.

What do you call it when you Retweet? ReTBD.

Why is the company doing this? Incoming Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino explained it here but I still don’t completely get it. It will have something to do with payments, banking, exchange of goods and services and Artificial Intelligence.

“There’s absolutely no limit to this transformation. X will be the platform that can deliver, well….everything,” she said.

Stanford’s Nazi Panel

Ukraine’s Azov soldiers credit: twitter

In the age of cancel culture, guess what was not canceled at Stanford last month? A panel on the Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi factor of the Ukrainian army.

The Stanford researcher who hosted the panel, Francis Fukuyama, has since said he is proud to support Azov when he was pushed on the Nazi symbolism and history of the group.

“I think you need to do a little more reading on Azov,” he wrote in an email to the San Francisco Chronicle. “They originated among Ukrainian nationalists, but to call them neo-Nazis is to accept Russia’s framing of what they represent today. By the time they defended Mariopol they were fully integrated into the [Armed Forces of Ukraine] and are heroes that I’m proud to support.”

That’s false. They did not originate as a Ukrainian nationalist group. They are followers of Stepan Bandera who was a Nazi collaborator during World War II and founded by Andriy Biletsky who advocated a “crusade of the white nations of the world against the Semitic-led subhumans.”

More telling is why this event happened in the first place.

Stanford has been a reluctant defender of free speech so for this to go down so easily is worth noting. As one outlet put it: “The fact that neo-Nazis are now paraded on campuses of leading academic institutions in the US must be seen as an alarming sign of the extent of the rightward shift of both the bourgeoisie and significant sections of the middle class and academia. Serious intellectuals, students and young people must draw far-reaching conclusions from this development.

News By The Numbers

credit: imdb

$70.5 million. That is how much the Barbie movie made in its opening weekend, making it number 1 at the box office this weekend.

50,000. That is how many tickets were sold for the Pocono Raceway for this weekend’s NASCAR race. This was the largest crowd since 2010 for that event.

€200 million. That is how much football (soccer) star Kylian Mbappe was reportedly offered to join Real Madrid. He announced earlier this year that he will not resign with Paris Saint-Germain.

What’s Trending?

credit: giphy

Shark Week is trending because the Discovery Channel’s wall-to-wall week-long shark programming started on Sunday. It is hosted by Jason Momoa, who played Aquaman.

Jamie Foxx is trending because he confirmed that he is recovering from an illness.

Ron Sexton, the comedian known for the Bob & Tom Show, is trending because he died at the age of 52.


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This newsletter is written and researched by Natali Morris.
Please feel free to reach Natali at [email protected]
for any editorial feedback.