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🚨 Pissed off – August 03 2023


Happy Thursday.

A Lufthansa pilot was peeved about being diverted and flew in this pattern. The airline says it was not on purpose. 

credit: flight radar

In Case You Missed It. 

🇨🇦 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is separating from his wife of 18 years. They both announced this on Instagram.

🏛️ There were reports of a shooter at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday but after clearing buildings, no shooter was found. 

💸 Oxfam says GDP as a metric is “colonial and anti-feminist." 

🇳🇪 The U.S. has evacuated staff from the embassy in Niger. 

🇲🇦 A man in Morocco has been jailed for criticizing the king on Facebook. 

🇧🇷 Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called for the abandonment of the U.S. dollar in international trade and creation of alternatives to the American currency. 

🇨🇳 A new proposed law in China would limit people under 18 to two hours on screens. 

📺 Watch our FULL Redacted live show from last night right here














*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm AM. 


The Lead: NATO Inches Toward Ukraine's Border

credit: google maps

NATO continues to play footsie with Ukraine's border. Russia responded by destroying military infrastructure in Ukraine right near the border to Romania. Romania is a NATO member so this causes some worry about a further escalation with NATO. 

"This was Russia sending a clear message to NATO. Do not try to cross this border or you will face a devastating response," Col. Douglas MacGregor told Redacted. 

The targets were reportedly industrial facilities, a grain elevator and a facility that housed foreign mercenaries. 

Meanwhile Russia says that it downed at least seven Ukrainian drones inside its Western borders. There were no reported casualties but this follows a week full of attacks inside of Russia's borders, which the United Nations condemns. 

Is this why CNBC reports that Western leaders are "frustrated with Zelensky"? 

"So the U.S. is strongly advising Ukraine not to do certain things, but Kyiv does them anyway, brushing aside or not addressing U.S. concerns. And they come at the United States, or Washington or the Biden administration, complaining about not being involved in NATO talks,” one CNBC source said.

So…time to review that nonstop military aid then? 

Show Us Your Papers

credit: getty

Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is suing the Justice Department for documents related to the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump. Even though Ramaswamy is running against Donald Trump for the nomination, he is seeking to get answers about the former president's indictment to figure out how much political influence was behind it. 

Former President Trump was indicted on four charges on Tuesday on claims that he tried to overturn the 2020 election. 

Ramaswamy claims that the indictments against Trump “selectively omit relevant facts and law” and argued “the corrupt federal police won’t stop until they’ve achieved their mission: eliminate Trump.” He filed a Freedom of Information request to ask the Justice Department to disclose their communication with the Biden administration. They also want communication related to the new January 6 indictment. 

Is this true? Are Trump's legal problems political? What will this prove for Ramaswamy as an opponent? It may be a campaign ploy but, yeah, I want to see those documents too. 

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Hot Mic Reveals Covid Cover-Up

credit: youtube

An ABC News journalist was caught on camera this weekend exposing the lies that the network was telling the world about COVID 19. 

This is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, not the U.S.-based ABC but it is still a telling artifact for how biased the media was about the pandemic. 

While the reporters awaited a speech from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, they discussed a fellow reporter named Sharri Marksen. They acknowledged that the media has called her crazy throughout the pandemic but she is turning out to be right. 

ABC reporter Stephen Dziedzic essentially admits that they got Covid wrong because of internal bias. 

This is embarrassing for them, sure, but it is also the clarity that explains a lot. It shows why the media has been uncritical of Covid vaccine reactions, mask mandates, the origins of Covid, and more. This admission should be public and not "caught." We are owed this from the media. 

What's Trending?

credit: ap

Vince McMahon is trending because the WWE head was served with a federal grand jury subpoena and search warrant last month. 

Negasi Zuberi is trending. He is a man accused of kidnapping, raping and imprisoning women in a cinderblock prison he built in his garage. He is now in FBI custody after one woman escaped. 

Nicholas Rossi is trending. He faked his own death and fled to Scotland because he is a convicted sex offender in the U.S. He was caught when he was treated in a hospital for Covid and nurses recognized his tattoos from Interpol wanted notices. His jig is up. A Scotish court ruled that he will be extradited to the U.S.

News By The Numbers

28.2%. That is how much earnings dropped for Bud Light parent Anheuser-Busch InBev in the second quarter of this year. They insist it had nothing to do with the Dylan Mulvaney boycott. 

$50,000. That is how much the new Toyota Land Cruiser will start at when it relaunches next year. 

5.68 million. That is how many tons of grain Russia exported in July. That is a record number, despite Western sanctions.

$1,350. That is how much a monthly injection of weight-loss drug Ozempic costs. Some employers are now removing this from their healthcare plans because it is so popular and expensive. It may also be because Ozempic faces a class-action lawsuit over claims that it causes "stomach paralysis." 

Should U.S. Bring Back the Military Draft?

credit: reuters

Are you ready to send your husband, son or nephew to war? You'd have to consider it if the U.S. revives the military draft. That is what a recent opinion piece argues is necessary due to record-low enrollment.

"Today, the military needs only about 160,000 youth from an eligible population of 30 million to meet its recruitment needs. But after two decades of war–both of which ended unsuccessfully — and low unemployment, many experts believe the all-volunteer force has reached a breaking point. And American confidence in its military is at a low." 

So is the solution compulsory service based on a draft? Or is the solution to not wage unsuccessful wars? 

Recently, President Biden called up 3,000 reservists to deploy to Europe. If the bottom of this barrel is reached, will a draft be necessary? And would a draft shift public opinion more towards peace if people knew that their husbands and sons might be called to war? 

May the odds be ever in your favor. 


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This newsletter is written and researched by Natali Morris.
Please feel free to reach Natali at [email protected]
for any editorial feedback.