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🚨 Rage – May 13 2024


Happy Monday.

Women are paying money to participate in “rage rituals.” These are ceremonies “in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods” while thinking of times they were wronged. This can cost up to $4,000. Clayton's friendly advice to the men out there is NOT to marry one of these women. 

credit: ustoday

In Case You Missed It. 

🇨🇳 Three people were arrested in England for suspicion of being Hong Kong spies. 

🚨 Former President Trump held the largest political rally ever in New Jersey this weekend, where he said something possibly sarcastic about the fictional character Hannibal Lecter. 

🌞 FEMA reported that the solar storms over the weekend did not have any “significant impact” on electricity but Starlink did report that its service had been degraded. 

📄 At least three pages of records were deleted from evidence in the “hush money” trial against former President Trump, according to a witness from the Manhattan Attorney General’s office. 

🇵🇦 Panama’s President-elect Jose Raul Mulino says that he will shut down the migrant route through Panama because, he says, “Panama and our Darien [Gap] are not a transit route. It is our border.” 

🇳🇪 The U.S. ordered the evacuation of over 1,000 troops from Niger after the country told them to get out. 

🇵🇸 The United Nations passed a resolution to make Palestine a full-fledged member. This gives them some additional rights but not a vote in the body. 

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*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm AM. 


Lead: U.S. Asks Israel to Stop Killing So Many Civilians

mass Palestinian grave discovered at Al Shifa Hospital after Israeli forces withdrew credit: x

The U.S. really wants Israel to “get out of Gaza” and stop the “horrible loss of life of innocent civilians.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken appeared on Sunday talk shows to deliver this message. 

When asked if the U.S. would withhold weapons from Israel because of the ground invasion, Blinken said this: “We believe two things. One, you have to have a clear, credible plan to protect civilians, which we haven’t seen. Second, we also need to see a plan for what happens after this conflict in Gaza is over. And we still haven’t seen that because what are we seeing right now? We’re seeing parts of Gaza that Israel has cleared of Hamas, where Hamas is coming back, including in the north, including in Khan Younis.”

This is inconsistent with the State Department report that indicated that the U.S. will not cut aid to Israel. 

Al Jazeera reports that Israel has also invaded a refugee camp in North Gaza called Jabalia. Israel struck this camp last November and the United Nations condemned it.

Ukraine Attacks Russian Apartment Complex

credit: tass

Ukraine bombed a civilian apartment building in Belgorod, Russia on Sunday. The death toll has climbed to 15. 

This comes as Ukraine has lost significant ground in Donbas region where the war is supposed to be. According to TASS, Russia has taken control of nine villages since last Friday alone. 

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskii  said this: “This week, the situation in the Kharkiv region has significantly worsened.”

So why are they bombing inside Russia while losing actual battle ground? 

Meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has been removed from his post in a “cabinet reshuffle.” He is now the Secretary of the Russian Security Council. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed replacing him with acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov, an economist. 

Kremlin spokesperson Smitry Peskov explained that the “battlefield is now dominated by those who are more open to innovation and are ready to introduce them in the fastest way possible” and added that, given the expanding military budget in Russia, “it is very important to integrate the economy of the military into the national economy.”

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Pakistan On The Brink

credit: getty

Imprisoned former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan wrote last week that he is at risk of being murdered by the government. Now he says that he has been denied health care. 

“The military establishment has done all they could against me. All that is left for them is to now murder me,” he wrote in The Telegraph. “I have stated publicly that if anything happens to me or my wife, Gen Asim Munir will be responsible.”

Reporters now say that he has been denied blood tests and care from his doctor even though a court ordered that he should receive both. His wife, Bushra Bibi, is under house arrest and she claims that she was poisoned with toilet cleaner in February. She too has reportedly been denied medical care. 

Former PM Khan was arrested last year and elections in Pakistan suspiciously subverted his party from winning power in order to free him. 

What's Trending?

credit: getty

Steve Buscemi is trending because he was randomly assaulted by a man who punched him in the face in New York City this weekend. 

PSG is trending because the Paris football (soccer) club bid goodbye to its star player Kylian Mbappé. He is expected to join Real Madrid next but has yet to confirm that. 

Eurovision is trending because the European song contest was held this weekend and it was a needlessly political charade because it is 2024. 

News By The Numbers

540 hours. That is how long it took to make a wedding gown for bride Nada Kamani who wed Umar Kamani, co-founder of PrettyLittleThing this weekend. The wedding was reported to cost £20 million with performances by Ronan Keating, Andrea Bocelli and Mariah Carey. 

56%. That is how many Brits say the King is doing a good job according to a new survey. In fact every member of the Royal family saw an increase in approval rating except Meghan Markle. 

14%. That is how many people say that they have “a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources, and 11% say the same about local news media,” according to a recent AP poll

Germany Loosens Conscription Rules

 credit: getty

Germany is reportedly considering “gender-neutral” conscription, which means everyone could be drafted into military service.

The German Defense Ministry laid out three options to reform the nation’s conscription rules. Minister Boris Pistorius is expected to choose one of them and officially present it in early June, according to Die Welt newspaper. 

One option would be required military registration for all young people at age 18, Another would require mandatory military registration for males only after age 18. The third option would be making mandatory registration and potential draft compulsory for both men and women.

It stands to reason since Germany now allows parents to change their child’s gender at birth so if you abolish biological sex, you can’t draft based on biological sex now can you? 

Like other Western nations, Germany has low military enrollment while its leaders show a high appetite for war. Likewise in France this weekend, President Emmanuel Macron said that France is not at war but left the matter open ended based on an if-statement. “If you go too far and threaten the interests of France and the security of Europe, then we exclude nothing.” 

This newsletter is written and researched by Natali Morris.
Please feel free to reach Natali at [email protected]
for any editorial feedback.