🚨 Trash Fashion – September 13 2023


Happy Wednesday.

An imposter wearing a trash bag and a shower cap walked down the catwalk during Fashion Week, and no one seemed to notice until a security guard tackled him from behind. 

credit: wsj

In Case You Missed It. 

🇱🇾 The death toll in Libya is between 1,000-5,000 people from devastating floods due to a powerful storm. 

💨 The Welsh are considering a ban on single-use vapes. 

🩴 Birkenstock filed for an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange with the ticker BIRK.

🇰🇵 🇷🇺 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met today with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a space launch facility in Eastern Russia. The two will have a series of meetings in the coming days. 

🇺🇦 Ukraine launched an attack on the Crimean city of Sevastopol on Wednesday. 

🇷🇺 Russia is working to abolish visa entry requirements for many Asian and African nations. 

🤦🏻‍♂️ Trans activists in France are mad because a gynecologist would not see a biological man. They call it homophobic that the doctor said their “gynecological examination table is not suitable for examining men." 

🦒 A spotless baby giraffe was spotted (get it!?) in Namibia. 

📺 You can catch last night's live Redacted show right here














*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm AM. 


The Lead: Impeaching Joe Biden

credit: ap

House Republicans have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. This increases the chance of a second president in a row to be impeached by at least one chamber of Congress. 

Senate Democrats likely won’t go for it but they will have to face it. At this point, it is all politics. Clearly, Joe Biden and his son Hunter have participated in politics for financial gain for at least the last decade. The question is: who wants to take the time to care in public for their political gain? 

The Wall Street Journal makes the case that “impeachment is the new censure.” In fact, they predicted in 2019 when Democrats voted to impeach President Trump that “the House has defined impeachment down to a standard that will now make more impeachments likely.” 

And here we are. It feels like a glass half empty/full question. Is this an indication that politics is irreparably partisan or is this actually an indication of equal justice under the law? If Trump could face impeachment over a phone call as a political favor, then surely all of the monies and favors traded by the Bidens should be worthy of scrutiny, right? 

CDC Rolls Out New Vaccines

credit: getty

The CDC voted to recommend the new Covid vaccine to all persons over 6 months of age. This means that the federal government will pay for them once again. 

This is an odd move given that the CDC admits that vaccination is a risk factor of contracting the new variant. It is also odd given that young people do not show an increased risk of severe Covid. It is also odd because these new vaccines did not go through clinical trials and neither Pfizer nor Moderna are able to say how long protection lasts for these vaccines. It is also odd because both Pfizer and Moderna acknowledge in the new vaccine Fact Sheets that the Covid vaccine has serious adverse events and that "the possible side effects are still being studied.”

Puzzling, right? 

So why this blanket recommendation of the vaccine for an entire population regardless of medical history? In the U.K., the government is only recommending the vaccine for specific at-risk populations. 

In Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam, the chief public officer of health, spoke in a mask on Tuesday to warn the country that Canada is at the “beginning” of a fall respiratory season. The new Moderna vaccine was approved by Health Canada. Moderna recently opened a large vaccine factory in Canada.  

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U.S. Continues to Steal Syria's Oil

u.s. soldiers on Syrian oil fields credit: tasmin news

Syria would like to remind the world that the United States is illegally occupying its country and stealing its oil. The nation has appealed to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Security Council President Ferit Hoxha for help. 

In a summary letter, the Syrian Foreign Ministry says that “the US and its tools of terrorist organizations and militias continue to violate Syrian sovereignty and plunder the country’s wealth and strategic resources.” They demand an end to the occupation and a “return of lands it occupies and the oil and gas fields of the Syrian state.”

It is not just land, it is also oil. Syria says that the U.S. has stolen $115.2 billion worth of oil at an average of 150,000 barrels per day. 

The U.S. Congress recently voted NOT to end the occupation in Syria and General Mark Milley said recently that the U.S. would be there for the foreseeable future. 

Last year UN Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Farhan Haq was asked about this by Chinese journalist Dezhi Xu. He seemed very confused by the question. It's been more than a year since then. Maybe they'll understand it by now? 

What's Trending?

credit: mtv

Selena Gomez is trending for looking beautiful at the MTV Video Music Awards. Also trending for the same reason: Taylor Swift and Shakira.

Olivia Rodrigo is trending because she performed her new song at the same awards show.

iPhone 15  is trending because Apple released a whole new lineup of iPhones and Apple Watches.

News By The Numbers

$3.2 million. That is how much the Brady Bunch house sold for recently. That is a $2.3 million loss considering HGTV bought the house in 2019 for $3.5 million and spent $2 million in renovations. The new owner says that she will use the home for fundraising and charitable events. 

400 years old. That is the age of the world’s oldest known cat door from the 16th century. 

10 hours. That is how many hours per day you should NOT sit or be inactive if you want to lower your risk factor for dementia, according to a new study.

Processed Food Addiction

credit: getty

Is ultra-processed food creating addictions such as those we normally associate with drugs and alcohol? That is what a recent study suggests

One group of adults were asked to eat high-fat, high-sugar yogurt for eight weeks. Another was given low-fat, low-sugar yogurt. At the end of the trial, the group that ate the sugary yogurt showed “decreased preference” for the low-sugar one. 

The scientists showed that the higher processed foods triggered the release of dopamine, the brain’s reward regions. They likened this to amphetamines like speed! 

In fact, brain scans show the same behavior in food and drug addicts. According to Scientific American, “When researchers showed pictures of cocaine to drug addicts or photographs of donuts to healthy people, the same brain regions—ranging from the ventral striatum and amygdala to the cerebellum—lit up in both groups. And the stronger the volunteers’ reported craving was, the more intense their neural response was as well." 

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This newsletter is written and researched by Natali Morris.
Please feel free to reach Natali at [email protected]
for any editorial feedback.