Happy Tuesday. You might need a professional cuddler after reading the news today. Did you know that’s a thing?
*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00 am EST.
Economy: Consumers showed more resiliency in July as expectations for inflation dropped significantly. I'll take that rosy outlook where I can get it.
In Case You Missed It.
💃🏻 Grease star Olivia Newton-John passed away Monday after a 30-year battle with breast cancer.
🇷🇺 Russia says that it will not allow the U.S. to inspect its nuclear weapons arsenal because, as you may have heard, the two countries are not friends.
💉 The U.S. says it will test out a new way of administering the monkeypox vaccine, administering just one-fifth of the vaccine into the skin rather than a full dose in underlying fat.
📚 Famous historian and Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough died on Sunday at the age of 89, less than two months after losing his wife Rosalee.
The Lead: FBI Raids Trump's Home
armed secret service agents outside Trump's home credit: ap
The FBI raided the home of former President Donald Trump in Florida on Monday night. The former President was not there at the time.
The Wall Street Journal reports that this raid is connected to an investigation about classified information that may still be in the possession of the Trumps, which would be against the law. Trump said in a statement that he had been “working and cooperating with the relevant government agencies.” He said that this “unannounced raid was not necessary or appropriate” and that agents cracked into a safe in his home.
In order to raid a home, the FBI has to convince a judge that they would find something that they could otherwise not find without a surprise move like this. To raid a former President’s house, it would require the blessing of the highest members of the Justice Department, namely Attorney General Merrick Garland.
The documents in question may include “a letter former President Barack Obama left for his successor and correspondence between Mr. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un,” according to the Journal.
If agents did in fact find evidence that Trump removed classified materials from the White House, he could face up to five years in prison and be disqualified from holding federal office, including the presidency.
So would this take him out of the race in 2024? That is what his supporters suspect and they are not happy about this. This raid has quickly become a rallying cry for many Republicans. In fact, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has warned that if Republicans take control of the House in November, they will be investigating Attorney General Garland because of this raid.
The White House said that it was not notified about this raid in advance.
Your Email is Out of Control
There are a few tools that I use every day. Sanebox is one of them. If you told me that I couldn't use it anymore I'd start to cry. Seriously I'd curl up and start to cry.
SaneBox helps me take control of my email inbox so that I only see the most important emails. Everything else is filtered into what they call their SaneLater folders which I check once a day. SaneBox is so smart that it knows what I want and what I don't.
It gets smarter over time. If I find an important email in my SaneLater folder I can drag it into my main inbox and I'll always see it from now on.
Perhaps my favorite folder is the SaneBlackHole. You keep getting that Pottery Barn catalog and you're just so darn sick of it. No worries. Just drag it into your SaneBlackHole and you'll NEVER see an email from them again.
Don't take my word for it; try it for free right now and you'll thank me later. Just click here to try it out. And get a FREE credit towards your subscription.
Amnesty International has apologized for the report it published last week documenting how Ukrainian forces have been harming civilians. This is an unusual move from a supposedly non-partisan organization.
The report stated at least 19 instances where Ukrainian forces had put civilians in harm’s way, often using them as human shields against Russian forces. Amnesty International made these assessments “based on the rules of international humanitarian law, which require all parties to a conflict to avoid locating, to the maximum extent feasible, military objectives within or near densely populated areas.”
The organization says that they stand by their assessment but they apologize for the “distress and anger” it caused. Who should they apologize to? Ukraine? The civilians? The angry Twitter mob? The release does not say but a lot of reports from Amnesty International are upsetting. For instance, the government aggression in Guinea. Do they apologize to me for writing that because I find it upsetting?
Many people just don’t want to hear this about Ukraine so the report caused an outcry. Some think anything critical of Ukraine is pro-Russian. That is simplistic and overly reductive thinking! We must not err on the side of tuning out what is uncomfortable just because the mainstream media supports an ongoing conflict. People are dying. Innocents and civilians. Peace talks now!
9,500 feet. That is how deep a 32,000-pound aircraft was when the U.S. Navy recovered it. The craft, valued at $50 million, fell off an aircraft carrier during bad weather last month but the Navy was able to retrieve it.
5. That is how many suspects the NYPD is searching for because they attacked a person with pots and pans. Name this movie quote: “Frying pans! Who knew right!?”
3 days. That is how long travelers to Hong Kong will have to isolate in a hotel upon arrival due to Covid restrictions. Until recently, the city required seven days of isolation but city officials are worried about the impact on the economy and travel.
6.2%. That is where the Federal Reserve expects inflation to be within a year and they are calling that a win.
New research shows that coral reefs are at a 36-year high in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Yet the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) won’t tout those high averages. In fact, they’ve gone to great lengths not to.
Physicist Peter Ridd has studied the Great Barrier Reef since 1984. He says that AIMS “has effectively hidden the very good news about the reef between 2016 and 2022 by not publishing the GBR average data since 2017.” Why? This agency used averages in 2011 when coral was at an all-time low to predict that there would be a decline to 5-10% by 2022. Since it is 2022 and that didn’t happen, shouldn’t we talk about that?
Ridd points out that reefs are supposed to ebb and flow and that they are extremely resilient. He also points out that reefs may get bigger as the planet heats up because reefs grow more in warmer waters.
“The data since 1986 shows that every region, every sector and most reefs have had occasionally had periods of very low coral cover for one reason or another. This is entirely natural. The media makes much of oc- casional setbacks to coral cover, but a measure of the health of an ecosys- tem is the ability to recover from a major stress. Frail systems will not recover, robust systems recover well, just as healthy people recover quickly from disease.”
He goes on to say that “The data collected by AIMS shows that the GBR is a robust system with rapidly fluctuating coral cover. We must expect that, sometime in the future, a sequence of events will cause the coral cover to fall sharply, as it did in 2011. We must then remember that this is almost certainly natural, and not allow the merchants of doom to depress the children.”
A new study shows that cats love people who hate them because the humans’ “reluctance to stroke and fuss” over the cats give the cats “the control and independence it needs.” Conversely, the more likely you are to identify as a “cat person,” the less likely cats are to like you!
This comes from animal behavior scientists at two universities in England. Researchers found that cats don’t like to be touched at the base of their tail and their stomachs but people who say that they are “cat people” always touch them there! So stop it!
They also found that cat owners typically do not give cats enough independence and that makes the animal feel “uncomfortable and increasing animosity.”
I am allergic to cats so I avoid them when I’m in a cat house. This research explains why they come after me! They like the humans that play hard to get!
Trump Toupee is trending because the former President unveiled a new hairstyle over the weekend. I don’t think it’s a toupee. I think it’s a haircut. This 2015 article explaining that the former President’s hair is strange because of “an aggressive cowlick” is very convincing.
87,000 IRS is trending because that is how many IRS agents will be hired to audit Americans if the Democratic-led reconciliation bill passes. This is not about auditing big businesses either. It’s about auditing YOU!
Ezra Miller is trending because the Flash actor was charged with a felony burglary in Vermont.
Ashton Kutcher is trending after admitting he suffers from a rare autoimmune condition called vasculitis.
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