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Vice President Kamala Harris says that she will build a wall to Mexico if elected President. What an original idea! 

Harris says that she would approve the budget to finish the border security wall because since taking responsibility for the Southern border, she has utterly failed and allowed millions to cross illegally. The border wall was once something she opposed as “un-American.” And she said it wouldn’t stop anyone from coming across the border.

It is also so perplexing that she says that she would secure the border if she were in office and yet…she IS in office!

Axios points out that this is one of many issues that the Vice President has flipped on “such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking — proposals that aides say she now is against.”

Aides have had to say it because she hasn’t said it. She hasn’t said much outside of her campaign ads and DNC speech. She scheduled an interview on CNN but is bringing her running mate Tim Walz along with her, which some say is a crutch.

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