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Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine

Russia will make changes to its nuclear doctrine because, as they see it, the West is increasingly threatening them with a nuclear war.

Well the West is certainly not aiming for any peace with Russia, that’s for sure.

President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would “update its nuclear doctrine to clearly define circumstances that could prompt Moscow to launch a nuclear strike.”

This would even include attacks by non-nuclear states! Putin said: “Aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state… supported by a nuclear power should be treated as their joint attack.”

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov clarified this, saying “This should be viewed as a certain message… This is a message that warns these countries of the consequences should they participate in an attack on our country by various means, not necessarily nuclear.”

This is terrifying because the West continues to allow Ukraine to attack Russia and Russia is saying that it will use nuclear retaliation if this keeps up. At the same time, President Biden found an additional $5.5 billion for Ukraine to keep up their attacks on Russia! And yet no one in the West will engage in diplomatic talks with Russia! Come on!

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