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Clayton Morris

Interest Rates Not Dropping Anytime Soon

Don’t hold your breath for interest rate cuts. The Federal Reserve did not lower interest rates on Wednesday and indicated that it would not do so in the near

Clayton Morris

What Is The FDA Thinking?

A new study shows that the RSV vaccine that was approved for pregnant women has a high incidence of causing pre-term birth. We already knew this from clinical

Clayton Morris

Marijuana Moves To A New Joint

Marijuana is moving off the list of dangerous drugs to a list of “less dangerous drugs,” according to the Associated Press. If this is true, the

Clayton Morris

University Protests

The University of Chicago is a good example of how protestors’ rights should be balanced with campus safety. This contrasts with other universities that are

Clayton Morris

Watch Out For “Sextortion”

Teachers in the U.K. have been warned to be on the lookout for “sextortion.” The National Crime Agency says that there has been “a considerable increase in