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Clayton Morris

Senators Walk Out Over Ukraine Funding

Several U.S. Senators reportedly walked out of a meeting over funding for Ukraine on Tuesday. Shortly after, Ukrainian President Zelensky was scheduled to address Congress but backed

Clayton Morris

Parents Are Drugging Kids To Sleep

A new study shows that American parents are giving very young children melatonin to sleep in increasing amounts which has increased the incidence of melatonin poisoning. Melatonin

Clayton Morris

A Pill To Keep You From Getting Fat?

The drug company that makes Wegovy, the injectable weight loss drug that is so popular these days, wants to make a drug that prevents obesity. The drug

Clayton Morris

The Ukraine Money Laundering Machine

How much of the “aid” the U.S. “sends” to Ukraine gets to Ukraine? Very little, according to a new report. The report by the American Enterprise Institute

Clayton Morris

Israel Plans to Flood Gaza Tunnels

Israel may use seawater to flood the tunnel systems in Gaza, according to U.S. officials. The Wall Street Journal reports that “sentiment inside the U.S.” for this