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Planned Parenthood has taken issue with the new Netflix movie about Marilyn Monroe. A spokesperson for the group spoke about the film saying that it portrays abortion in an anti-abortion way.

In the film, Monroe is forced into two illegal abortions. As she contemplates a third, the baby’s fetus is given a voice and asks her, “You won’t hurt me this time, will you?”

Planned Parenthood says that these types of depictions of fetuses with lifeforce and feelings feeds into anti-abortion zealots’ narratives that they use to oppose legalized abortion. I understand that but I reject the notion that abortion should only be depicted in a favorable way so that politics can follow. For many women, this choice is agonizing and maybe they do feel a conversation with their seeds of conception. You can’t cancel that because it might lead to politics that you do not like. All discussions about abortion should be heard, not just the easy ones.

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