Nicole Kidman is trending because she has a new movie coming out called Babygirl. In the film, she apparently has an affair with a “kinky young intern.” She is 57 years old, and her love interest in the film is 28. She said that filming these sex scenes was “liberating.”
Grizzly No. 399 is trending because the mama bear beloved by tourists and wildlife photographers in Grand Teton National Park died after being struck by a vehicle in western Wyoming. She was reportedly the “oldest known reproducing female grizzly in the Yellowstone ecosystem.”
Goldfish crackers are trending because Pepperidge Farm will temporarily change the name of the snack to Chilean Sea Bass in order to make them seem “much more adult” and show that “Goldfish crackers are not just for kids.” They’re not good for kids or adults really. They very easily cause cavities because they turn to sugar and embed into grooves of your teeth.