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Whoops, We Overcounted All Those “Covid” Deaths

The CDC and the New York Times both now admit that Covid deaths were overcounted during the pandemic and now say that deaths are no longer “historically abnormal.”

“The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category.”

Nice of them to say so after years of refusing to acknowledge this truth.

Meanwhile, the state of California still thinks it is necessary to censor doctors around Covid. The state is trying to get an appeal to put in place Assembly Bill 2098 which would punish doctors for spreading “misinformation or disinformation” about Covid. A judge blocked the bill in January and the state is arguing for it to be reinstated.

In a hearing on Monday, judges seemed critical of this bill. They seemed to agree with Judge William Shubb who ruled in January that “COVID-19 is a quickly evolving area of science that in many aspects eludes consensus.”

One judge pointed out that California already has mechanisms to address malpractice with doctors. She also quite rightly pointed out that Covid has a great deal of disagreement in the medical community so it “seems odd” to force doctors to conform to a medical consensus.

Two groups had challenged this law when it was put in place by California Governor Gavin Newsom. One was by a group of five doctors and the other was the Children’s Health Defense, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s advocacy group. The final ruling is not due for another month.

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