Biden Live From The City of Brotherly Love Philadelphia

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U.S. President Joe Biden spoke in a rare prime-time speech in Philadelphia on Thursday to address the “soul of the nation.” It was, well, on the divisive side.

The President took the opportunity to hit hard at Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. He says they are “extremists” who “threaten the very foundations of our Republic.”

Why? Because they refuse to accept the outcome of the election and threaten violence if they do not win elections, according to the President. Which begs the question: if people choose to believe in any part of Republican Party values, what measures will be taken against them if we can label them “extremists”? That is a big word that the U.S. government has used to pursue many an enemy in the past. Is it dangerous to use it against political opponents, or are we all good with this?

During his speech, protesters with bullhorns could clearly be heard and the President said that those people have never had to suffer from “good manners.”

The Republican National Committee released a statement in response to the President’s speech saying that he was the “divider-in-chief.”

Well, he sure wasn’t reaching across the aisle with this one.

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