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KFC sent a push notification in Germany asking customers to celebrate Reichspogromnacht with “extra cheese.” The company has apologized.

Reichspogromnacht, or in English “Night of the Broken Glass,” also known as Kristallnacht, was a brutal attack on Jewish people during the Holocaust. It raged for two days and the broken glass refers to all of the destruction of Jewish places. It’s seen as the prelude to the Holocaust.

The KFC alert said [English translation] “Remembrance of the Reichspogromnacht. Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!”

Not only is this offensive, it’s ignorant. Kosher diets forbid dairy with meat.

KFC has since apologized saying, “In this particular case, our internal review process was not properly followed. We understand and respect the seriousness and history of this day and we remain committed to equality, inclusion and belonging for all.”

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