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Former President Trump is looking to become the next President Trump. He announced this intention last night.

It’s not too surprising but, maybe a little surprising. The former President has his hands full of legal battles and he is 76 years old. I am 44 years old, and I do not have the energy for a busy campaign schedule full of late-night events. No sir!

And then there is the issue of support. The Republican party is divided over his leadership and the media does not have the same appetite to use him for ratings, which was made obvious when CNN cut away from his announcement in their live broadcast. Also missing at this announcement event were the former President’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. They have reportedly decided not to be a part of another run for the White House and will not campaign on his behalf. They didn’t attend the event last night.

The media has made up its mind about how they will cover the Trump 2024 campaign. This headline pretty much sums it up. Defund NPR is trending for that mouthful of a title.

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