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All Signs Point to U.S. Sabotage

There is a fourth leak in the Nord Stream Pipeline, according to the Swedish coast guard. This is a major ecological crisis and clearly, somebody did it on purpose.

The fourth leak was found on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline near the first rupture that was found on Tuesday. Gas has been spewing into the Baltic Sea all week.

Who did this and who had something to gain by it happening?

Russia had the most to lose, having spent $11 billion to build it. The gas that’s currently bubbling to the surface is worth close to $1 billion dollars alone. Russia also loses its leverage over the EU during a war in Ukraine. That leverage is now gone. Germany and Europe will also lose out on receiving affordable gas at a time when they desperately need it. That leaves Western interests like the U.S. and NATO. When asked about this, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was cagey.

“The leaks are under investigation. There are initial reports indicating that this may be the result of an attack or some kind of sabotage, but these are initial reports and we haven’t confirmed them yet. But if it is confirmed, that’s clearly in no one’s interest,” he said on Wednesday.

The White House also dodged the question yesterday. When asked about US involvement in the eco-terrorist attack, spokeswoman Jeanne-Pierre dodged the question by reminding us to invest in renewable energies like wind and solar.

U.S. President Biden had warned that the U.S. would not let this pipeline serve its function. So did American diplomat Victoria Nuland. German officials said the U.S. CIA had warned them of a catastrophe on the pipeline. These are many clues pointing to U.S. involvement.

German citizens had been protesting to pressure their government to turn the pipeline on but they won’t get the option. Some say it will be months before it will be operational and definitely not in time to be of any help this winter.

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