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Biden Tries Handing Over Power to the W.H.O.

Last week we told you about a treaty that President Biden is working on to give the World Health Organization an extraordinary amount of power during a pandemic called the CA+. Now Republican Senators introduced a bill to prevent the President from doing this without congressional approval.

The “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” would require a supermajority vote in the Senate before the President can hand over this power to the WHO.

“The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19. This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty,” said Senator Johnson. “I’m proud to reintroduce this legislation to hold the WHO accountable for their failures and increase transparency for the American people. The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable.”

Senator Johnson introduced a bill like this last year and it was sent to the Committee on Foreign Relations where it has languished. Will this one do any better?

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