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President Joe Biden delivered the annual State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday.

The speech was light on Ukraine this year, unlike last year, but heavy on China. The President said that the U.S. will act to protect its sovereignty if China presents a threat. But, barring that, the U.S. is willing to work with China to advance American interests, he said.

Republicans offered up Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders to present a rebuttal to the address. She accused the President of being the first person to surrender his presidency to a woke mob. She said that he inherited an economic recovery, secure border and an abundance of home-grown, affordable energy but has squandered all of that.

President Biden tried hard to do a victory lap over Covid and the economy but he was heckled by some Republicans over his handling of the opioid crisis. This speech was supposed to bolster confidence in the President in advance of his re-election campaign. Do you think it did?

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