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I’ll Hold An Election If You’ll Pay For It

Didn’t the West say that it was supporting democracy in Ukraine? Why then won’t they support a Presidential election?

Ukrainian President Zelensky canceled the upcoming October Presidential election due to the conflict with Russia. That means that he will be in power until further notice, dragging his country into war and causing record numbers of casualties. Shouldn’t Ukrainians have the chance to vote him out, especially during war time not in spite of it?

Now President Zelensky says that he will consider putting on elections if the West pays him around $5 million.

But that $5 million cannot take away from the money for weapons. He was very clear about that.  He said that this is the approximate cost of of elections under martial law, which has been declared due to the conflict. But he has also used martial law to shut down opposition media and religious organizations so how democratic do you think that election would be anyway?

Zelensky campaigned on an anti-corruption platform and that has not worked out for him. But even if Ukrainians know that their government is corrupt and their leader has dragged them into war, they have no alternative candidate to look to. No one has come forward and, according to some, no one is likely to.

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