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New Rules of Nuclear Warfare

Russia says that the nuclear game has changed and with it, the rules.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said this: “The challenges that are growing thanks to the unacceptable and escalatory actions of the US and its NATO allies undoubtedly prompt a full-fledged question of how the basic documents in nuclear deterrence can be brought more into line with current needs.”

In other words, if other countries don’t follow the rules, why should we? What does that mean? Last week President Putin said that arming U.S. enemies is an option since the U.S. won’t stop attacks via its proxy war in Ukraine and this could trigger retaliation at military targets inside NATO countries. Will this cause Europe to wake up and work to actually stop this war? You would think! President Putin put it this way: “The Europeans have to think: if those with whom we exchange such [nuclear] blows are obliterated, would the Americans get involved in such an exchange, on the level of strategic weapons, or not? I very much doubt it.”

That is what political expert Gilbert Doctorow has predicted too. This is a dangerous game of chicken and most rational people would prefer it ends now.

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