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The United Nations says that it does not have the capability to identify who is shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Russia has called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to investigate the shelling of the region but their response: No Can Do. 

Officials from this agency visited the region this summer to assess the damage of a nuclear disaster but never actually investigated who was shelling the plant. They have done plenty of condemning but no actual investigating or moves of any kind to stop it. Now they are saying that they are pretty sure that there are no nuclear safety concerns.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has all but sealed itself off from European membership with a new law that will reduce financial oversight of politicians. The government says that this is to “protect Ukraine’s financial system from Russia and Belarus” but it will also facilitate more government corruption by reducing oversight of money flowing to politicians. The head of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre says that this breaks a promise to the EU and “practically kills the system of preventing money-laundering by Ukrainian politicians.”

Ukrainian corruption was a major problem before the war and the West knew it. Are we to believe it will no longer be a problem now? Or is the war being used as an excuse to remove any pretense of regulation?

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