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Oprah Pushing Big Pharma

Why is ABC giving Oprah Winfrey the chance to do an hour-long commercial for big pharma? That is exactly what she plans to do later this month.

The ABC special will be called “An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution.” It will feature medial experts to discuss weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, Mounjaro and Wegovy. Will they also have experts on to warn of the dangers of those drugs and discuss the mountain of litigation the drugmakers are facing? Will they discuss the fact that they have been linked to cancer in rats and are being offered to children as young as 12? Will they discuss that Oprah has a financial stake in Weight Watchers, which now prescribes these drugs, meaning she has a financial interest in their promotion?

I’m guessing the answer to those questions is “no” but we’ll watch and see.

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