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Clayton Morris

Student Loan Forgiveness

A federal judge has struck down the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness plan. The judge in Texas called the plan an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power.”

Clayton Morris

You’re Sooooo Good Looking

Good-looking students did not have any advantages during virtual school, proving that good-looking students do have an advantage in normal times. A researcher in Sweden

Clayton Morris

Extra Cheesy Text

KFC sent a push notification in Germany asking customers to celebrate Reichspogromnacht with “extra cheese.” The company has apologized. Reichspogromnacht, or in English “Night of the

Clayton Morris

Russia Evacuates Key City of Kherson

Russia has pulled back troops in Kherson to minimize losses. Now Ukraine will retake territory on one side of the Dnieper River and Russian troops will command

Clayton Morris

Europe Faces Diesel Shortage

Europe is bracing for a diesel shortage, much like the one in the U.S. Diesel inventories are at a 12-year low in the E.U. Experts say that

Clayton Morris

The Great Plastic Recycling Scam

Plastics are not recycled in Western countries like we are told that they are. In Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald followed plastic programs to dismal results. Many