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Clayton Morris

Google The Word Hypocrisy

The CEO of Google says that Google is not a place for politics. Excuse me while I lose my mind from the hypocrisy of that statement. This

Clayton Morris

Israel Ramps Up Rafah Attacks

Israel stepped up its attack on Rafah this weekend, killing at least 22 people including 18 children, according to the Associated Press. This is not the

Clayton Morris

Funding For War

U.S. lawmakers passed more funding for foreign wars to the tune of $95 billion this weekend. This includes $61 billion for Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel and

Clayton Morris

Trouble in the Skies, Seriously

American Airlines pilots are raising the alarm on a “significant spike” in safety and maintenance issues, such as tools left in wheel wells and more

Clayton Morris

America’s Assange Deadline

The United States issued a “non-assurance” that they will treat Julian Assange well if they get their approval to extradite him from the U.K. Last

Clayton Morris

African Illegals Aliens Swarm NYC Hall

More than 1,300 African illegal aliens swarmed City Hall in New York City to protest. What were they protesting? False promises, they say. The Illegal