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Clayton Morris

Portugal ditching the Socialists

Portugal chose “center-right” leaders in an election over the weekend. The Democratic Alliance secured 79 seats in parliament, giving them the majority of 77 Socialists and

Clayton Morris

Oprah Pushing Big Pharma

Why is ABC giving Oprah Winfrey the chance to do an hour-long commercial for big pharma? That is exactly what she plans to do later

Clayton Morris

Cheerio! Not So Much

The U.K. is the second-most miserable country in the world, according to a new report. Other English-speaking countries didn’t do much better. In fact, out of

Clayton Morris

Ukraine Is Mad At The Pope

Ukraine is upset at the Pope for offering to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Why is that offensive? Because Ukraine does not want peace at any cost

Clayton Morris

Death and Destruction in Rafah

President Joe Biden said that if Israel attacks Rafah, where Palestinian civilians have gathered to escape the bombs of the Israeli army, that would be

Clayton Morris

The San Francisco Re-Treat

San Francisco surprised itself by passing two law-and-order ballot measures. Proposition F and E were voted in by over 60% support by voters. Proposition F requires