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The House Votes to Ban TikTok, Something Fishy Going On

The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to ban TikTok in the U.S. That does not mean that TikTok is banned because the bill now moves to the Senate for a vote and it is not clear if it will pass in that chamber.

The bill is H.R. 7521. It forbids apps that are controlled by a “foreign adversary” by at least 20%. The foreign adversary list currently includes only North Korea, China, Russia or Iran but that list is fluid and lawmakers can add any country they want at any time. That is why so many are worried that this bill is a ploy to give online control to the government. We share that worry.

TikTok is 60% owned by U.S. and international investors. It’s owner is from Singapore, not China. And is there proof that China has used it to spy on or influence Americans? There isn’t.

Congressman Thomas Massie voted against the bill and will join us today at 4 PM on Redacted. Join us.

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