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The Politics of Deadly Storms

California is experiencing a massive winter storm. At least three people have died from downed trees and Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency.

The media is saying it is record breaking but is it? Well, it does look dangerous but it is not the worst storm in California history. We should not freak out about climate change. We should instead concentrate on climate adaptation and making our living conditions more safe for weather.

The worst storm since the founding of the state of California was between December 1861 and January 1862 which dumped nearly 10 feet of rain and submerged most of the Central Valley under 15 feet of water. This week, Los Angeles has experienced about 7 inches of rain.

Serious climate researchers will tell you that six megastorms more severe than the 1862 storm have occurred in California during the last 1,800 years at a regular interval of about 200 years. Given that the last devastating storm was over 160 years ago, California may be due for another one. Is this it? It sure looks dangerous but it is not out of the ordinary and no one has yet proven that it has anything to do with human-led climate change.

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