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Trump’s Tax Returns

The House of Representatives voted to release former President Trump’s tax returns publicly. This will include the previous six years of filings, which the House Ways and Means Committee obtained after the Supreme Court decided not to block the IRS from handing them over.

But how and why will they do this? And will it set a dangerous precedence for Congress reaching into the IRS to weaponize people’s finances? If they can get Trump’s returns, can they get yours too and make them public?

“If they get revealed, it seems to me they ought to have a pretty good reason for why that’s in the public interest,” said John Koskinen, who served as IRS commissioner in the Obama and Trump administrations. “It’s a dangerous precedent.”

What is the public interest here other than an appetite to hit at former President Trump and possibly derail his re-election campaign?

Democrats will have to do this quickly before they lose their majority in January.

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