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Zelensky Returns To See The Handy Work

Ukrainian President Zelensky traveled to the Ukraine side of Kherson to view damage from the flooding after the dam explosion in that region. He can still access the area on the Western side of the river that is still under Ukraine’s control. The Eastern side is under Russian control so Zelensky will presumably not go there.

Russia has maintained that Ukraine caused significant damage to the dam. President Putin says that it is a “massive ecological and humanitarian catastrophe” and that Ukraine is “committing war crimes [and] is openly using terrorist methods” while being aided and abetted by Western NATO powers.

Last December, Ukraine admitted to practicing attacks on this very dam.

The European Union worries about “solidarity fatigue” towards Ukraine as the war drags on. By that, they mean that Westerners will lose interest in helping this one group of people. They worry that the refugees would be “weaponized to sow division within the EU.”

I would argue that all refugees deserve solidarity, not just Ukrainians, and worrying about the popularity of only one group is in itself a human rights concern.

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