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August 12, 2022

Clayton Morris

Merrick Garland’s Trump Card

Attorney General Merrick Garland spoke publicly about the raid on former President Trump’s home on Thursday. He said that the Justice Department has filed a motion to

Clayton Morris

Ditching Facebook

Kids these days, they don’t care much for The Facebook. This is according to a new Pew Research study. What do the kids like? The TikTok!

Clayton Morris

Productivity Plummets in U.S.

Are you feeling unproductive lately? You’re in good company. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report on labor productivity and it is lower

Clayton Morris

China Surpasses The U.S.

A new study shows that China has surpassed the U.S. as the world’s leader for scientific research. See below study about productivity! The report comes from Japan’s