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U.S. President Biden told 60 Minutes that if you’re worried he’s too old for the job, “Watch me!”

Okay, we watched and saw that the President said two major things in that interview that the White House has had to walk back.

The first was regarding the pandemic. He said it’s over. We’re glad to hear it! Does that mean that vaccine mandates are over? Does it mean that the Public Health Emergency has ended? No actually. The White House told CNN that those things are still in place. That was a J/K.

The second was regarding Taiwan. The President said that the U.S. would go to war with China to defend Taiwan, including militarily. Host Scott Pelley clarified that the U.S. response to China would be unlike the U.S. response to Ukraine and the President said, “Yes.”

That also was a J/K. The White House followed up that interview with a call to CBS clarifying that the U.S. policy regarding Taiwan was unchanged.

So, regarding that “watch me” bit? We watched the President make two major mistakes about things that affect everyday lives. Is that what we’re supposed to be watching exactly or is there something else?

Can we please now have a mature conversation about age limits for elected officials?

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