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July 20, 2023

Clayton Morris

What Do You Do With Stolen Oil?

The U.S. stole an oil ship from Iran but now it is stuck off the coast of Texas because no U.S. company wants to risk

Clayton Morris

Back to Lab Again

The e-cigarette company Juul is playing with its chemistry set to get a product past the FDA. Juul Labs is asking the FDA to approve

Clayton Morris

U.S. Finally Pulls Funding for Wuhan Lab

The U.S. says that it will stop funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Why now!?  A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services said this on

Clayton Morris

Hunter Biden Whistleblower

A new whistleblower in the Hunter Biden IRS investigation spoke out on Wednesday. His name is Joseph Ziegler, a self-described “gay Democrat” who worked for