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Clayton Morris

Need a Million Dollar Home Loan? No Problem

The U.S. government will back $1 million mortgages for the first time. What could go wrong? The Federal Housing Finance Agency made this announcement on Tuesday, they

Clayton Morris

Crossing The Tracks

The U.S. House of Representatives will take up a bill this week that will force a solution to the union dispute for railway workers. This means that

Clayton Morris

Single Sex Spaces

An event in Scotland on Tuesday called Zero Tolerance was aimed to end male violence against women and girls. The keynote was delivered by Prime

Clayton Morris

China Relaxing Covid Restrictions?

It appears the Chinese government has responded to nationwide protests and begun to ease Covid restrictions. The government has agreed to curb pandemic restrictions and avoid further

Clayton Morris

Twitter’s Suppression of Free Speech

Elon Musk says that he will publish internal documents from Twitter explaining the company’s free speech suppression policies. Go on…. This means that we will see exactly

Clayton Morris

So… here’s what we would like you to do

The U.S. wants Europe to join in on its anti-China stance, according to the Financial Times. But Europe is a little busy right now following Washington’s